Wednesday, September 24, 2008


yep thts rite.. i got promoted. now u must be wondering that this bloke doesn't even have a job so where does he get he bottom pushed up to ?? valid Q.. but you know I'm employed on the weekends and i impart knowledge.. so all this while i used to teach in this arbit "moslim" (thts how the yankees call them) college and now i get to teach in one of the most popular all females colleges in town.. well you must be saying now.. huh what kinda a promotion is that.. well u should come to check out the crowd and they you know ;) well.. on a serious note.. i just handle the new batch of GMAT students in this chic college.. n like they say.. these are the simple pleasures of life ;)

The other day. i was on my bike getting back home.. and i see these two girls .. guessing they go to the nearby corporation school.. coz i could see them in their tattered clothes.. walking barefoot.. with their bags on their heads but with a glowing smile on their face..and as soon as they saw me.. they put out their thumb forward and shouted ..Drop.. Drop.. i was about to take the turn as my place was just another 50 odd meters from there.. and i signalled the same to them.. tht i'm taking a turn here and i'm not going ahead so i cant drop you girls.. they dint seem to get the point and i could see them frown because i dint stop.. and once i took the turn i just turned back to look at the girls.. now i could see the realization dawn upon them.. that i dint stop because i was taking a turn.. their faces lit up with the that realization and one of them shouted back.. SORRY.. i got home smiling.. impressed by the her use of English and amazed by her courteous behavior.. she could teach lotsa people a thing or two about the same..

Traffic.. the word that disgusts every banglorean (or should i say bengalurean) the other day.. i just got out in the evening wanting to fill fuel for my bike.. the bunk is less than a kilometer from my place.. i hit the road.. it was completely jammed.. got to the next road.. same story.. saw no point in wading through all this mess to fill fuel.. so decided to take a U turn and get back home.. and yes.. jam again.. it took to more than half hour to get back.. and i wouldn't have traveled more than 500 meters.. they say.. the whole world drives on the left or on to the right of the road.. but in namma bengaluru we on what is left on the road.. so bludy true huh..

looks like everybody these days is busy jumping off planes.. yeah i meant the sky diving thing.. the craze has caught on big time.. i cant wait to follow suit..

Monday, September 15, 2008

Life without Insurance..

These days I'm lil more careful when i hit the road.. make sure i don't ride like a maniac.. not that i used to ride one before.. but u know how the traffic is and when u trying to rush to work or say meet a friend.. when u got to get there asap that when the traffic is the worst and all your maneuvering skills help.. which means you have close encounters every other day.. and that's precisely what I'm trying to avoid these days.. coz i got no medical insurance now.. guess that's the only worth while thing you get when your employed.. was just wondering the other day. how many of us Indians have medical insurance? with 52% of our population below the poverty line.. i dun think the number is any high.. so coming back to where i started.. that if i crash now.. not only will i inflict the pain but also foot the medical bill which is gonna make it even more painful.. it may sound stupid.. but its true.. when u know that you are covered.. medically i mean.. its at the back of ur mind that you have a safety net say something goes wrong.. and the moment you dont have one.. you are slightly more cautious.. its like facing shohib akthar with your gaurds on and without.. aint it ;)
Now that i spend a considerable amount of time at home.. I'm surprised at the number of sales persons who come banging at your door.. the other day.. this lady knocks on my door and tries to sell a electric shave to me.. i kindly refuse.. she said may be i could gift this to one of my friends.. told her i got none whom i would need one.. she said what about one to your girlfriend sir?? i said WHAT??? gift a electric shave to a girl.. who gifts a razor to a girl.. i lost it.. saw no point explaining the same to her.. closed the door.. sat back to think.. imagine if you had a gift a girl a electric shave.. how hairy would she be.. well i do not want to imagine and more importantly what a ridiculous suggestion.. this was easily the worst sales pitch somebody made to me.. electric shave for a girl.. wonder if she actually managed to sell any.

Was at the Bengaluru international airport the other day to drop my bhai who was off to Dubai after his month long vacation here.. the first time i was going to the BIA.. the connectivity is quite okay.. i'm sure those bugger will fix the roads in sometime.. but whats so disappointing is the terminal. such a large area.. decent connectivity and look at the size of the terminal.. looks like a match box.. no wonder BIA is already running full capacity.. wonder what were they thinking when they planned it.. and if you ask me.. they should have made the terminal in two levels.. one level for arrival and the other for departure.. someone coming to drop off somebody has got no business in the arrival section and vice versa... that would have reduced the traffic at the drop of point by half. anyways its a great relief from that old fish market called HAL airport.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Night Out..

Kings in town.. before your imagination takes wings.. King as we fondly call him was my flatmate in Singapore.. a fine man.. so to commemorate his visit the 5 of us decided to catch up for a drink in one of the odd watering holes in town.. 4 of us were junta ie. techies and one was a stud.. well thts wht he handles.. hes a jockey.. not of those radio jocks who talk crap all day at various frequencies across Bangalore.. but this guy is a actual jock.. he races horses in these derby et all.. our man was in Aus all this while and now on a long holiday in indiyeah.. hes quite a storyteller.. his stories grippin to the core.. so we techies more or less jus listened to him jaws dropped.. the most interesting our lives would get in front of comps to do a vulcan nerve pinch.. ie. the ctrl+alt+del... anyways did get to hear a lot bout horse racing which was quite interesting... imagine this.. if you had a female horse and you wanna get the best stud in the world mate with it.. it cud cost you more than half a million bludy $$$$.. boy thts wht you call a stud.. with tht kinda money i guess one to get to sleep any bombshell for a lifetime ;)

the "nitelife" as we call it here is absolutely on the rocks.. i mean it literally.. i thought 11.30 pm was the deadline to get drunk in one of those gas chambers.. but no.. like wht the gov is doing to ruin our funtime is not enought that the guy in the pub has his own curfew above it .. he says 10.30 last orders.. SOB.. anyways we decide to leave.. and these days like the traffic ain't enough to chew our brains that we hav the rain too to play spoilsport.. the jocks car dint start for some reason.. so the 4 of us had to push it down the wet road and get it started.. see that's how beer helps you loose weight ;) the rest of us picked up more booze on the way back and got to my place to keep the party going.. i must say booze really helps guys recollect a hell lotta women from past.. and thts wht we did.. dint spare a single girl from school.. King was on a roll.. we all laughed like jackarses all nite.. boy neva laughed so much in a while.. the guys down one full bottle all nite.. i dint have any.. i'm on pause mode this days.. but surprisingly i too was on a high all nite .. guess it was the ambiance ;) anyways.. lotsa crazy talk.. like.. did u know theres actually a site called .. now tht i know i dun think i'll b too surprised if they go on to create a thrid..fourth and so on... after waking up all my neighbours with the kinda noise we were all making.. we decided go call it a nite at 6 in the morning.. the other 2 guys had work.. no idea how they ever managed to get to work.. this is when quittin your job helps..u can jus go to sleep and not worry bout waking up et all ;) it had been a while since i had done a nite out.. the last one i guess was the day before i was leaving singapore.. again king was there.. coupla other great friends.. booze to last all nite and some great home cooked chicken.. interesting stories and ciggs to keep you company .. wht a nite.. thx to my great buddies who made it so memorable..without a wink all nite i got straight to the airport and into an air-india flight at 7 in the morning.. so u can imagine my plight when i landed.. no prizes for guessing tht it was quite horrid..
seeing how much i enjoy my niteouts... sometimes wish i was born a owl :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Teachers Day!!

A day that's quite easily missed unless one of those radio jocks or the news presenters throw it on our faces.. then it hits us.. oh yeah.. its teachers day.. "Teachers" a bunch of interesting characters who more or less decide how our experience at school is gonna be.. you find all kinds.. the good.. the bad and the ugly.. but we all remember just a few. just the ones that matter.. the ones that left a huge mark behind.. hats off to such souls.. we need more of them ..

wished just one on my teachers today.. dint have the numbers of a few others to do the same.
but i still remember.. 2 years back.. on the same day i happened to call and wish couple of my teachers.. and seriously you need to follow suit to see the kind of reaction you get.. they are so elated and touched just by the fact that you not only remembered them on this particular day but also cared enough to wish them.. one of them after thanking me profoundly told me this.. "being remember by an old student means much more than an award and it is this that keeps us going". I'm sure he was so right.

the timesofindia has now nosedived to teach india.. nice concept.. but wonder what happened to lead india?? did we already lead india to wherever it had to go ?? damn the attention span of our indian media..

the week was pretty good.. or should i say pretty laid back.. went back home for the entire week.. good food.. lotsa sleep and yeah lotsa relatives at home during the festival.. in short..came back happier and fatter.

got a ayurvedic oil massage when i was back home this time.. not my first time.. you are given a disposable langoti which is as good as your birthday suit.. when this is a part of our tradition wonder whats with the moral brigade's hue and cry about the scantly clad babes on fashion tv or m tv. anyways back to our massage... hell lotsa oil and you have two guy who work on you dividing your body into vertical halves they proceed rhythmically. if one guy is massaging the tip of your index finger of your left palm the other is massaging the exact location of your index finger of your right plam.. whats the icing on the cake is that even the pressure applied by both the guys is exactly the same. if you close your eyes and just feel it you'll think that there just one person doing the massage and not two. quite an experience. but i would rate the traditional thai massage as a much more rejuvenating experience. not because its done by a chick ;) but because after the massage you feel so good about being alive.. its awesome. theres a point when the chick stands on your back and applies pressure on your nerve centers by pressing her toes and the whole while she has got nothing to hold on.. its all an balancing act.. its beautiful.