Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Night Out..

Kings in town.. before your imagination takes wings.. King as we fondly call him was my flatmate in Singapore.. a fine man.. so to commemorate his visit the 5 of us decided to catch up for a drink in one of the odd watering holes in town.. 4 of us were junta ie. techies and one was a stud.. well thts wht he handles.. hes a jockey.. not of those radio jocks who talk crap all day at various frequencies across Bangalore.. but this guy is a actual jock.. he races horses in these derby et all.. our man was in Aus all this while and now on a long holiday in indiyeah.. hes quite a storyteller.. his stories grippin to the core.. so we techies more or less jus listened to him jaws dropped.. the most interesting our lives would get in front of comps to do a vulcan nerve pinch.. ie. the ctrl+alt+del... anyways did get to hear a lot bout horse racing which was quite interesting... imagine this.. if you had a female horse and you wanna get the best stud in the world mate with it.. it cud cost you more than half a million bludy $$$$.. boy thts wht you call a stud.. with tht kinda money i guess one to get to sleep any bombshell for a lifetime ;)

the "nitelife" as we call it here is absolutely on the rocks.. i mean it literally.. i thought 11.30 pm was the deadline to get drunk in one of those gas chambers.. but no.. like wht the gov is doing to ruin our funtime is not enought that the guy in the pub has his own curfew above it .. he says 10.30 last orders.. SOB.. anyways we decide to leave.. and these days like the traffic ain't enough to chew our brains that we hav the rain too to play spoilsport.. the jocks car dint start for some reason.. so the 4 of us had to push it down the wet road and get it started.. see that's how beer helps you loose weight ;) the rest of us picked up more booze on the way back and got to my place to keep the party going.. i must say booze really helps guys recollect a hell lotta women from past.. and thts wht we did.. dint spare a single girl from school.. King was on a roll.. we all laughed like jackarses all nite.. boy neva laughed so much in a while.. the guys down one full bottle all nite.. i dint have any.. i'm on pause mode this days.. but surprisingly i too was on a high all nite .. guess it was the ambiance ;) anyways.. lotsa crazy talk.. like.. did u know theres actually a site called .. now tht i know i dun think i'll b too surprised if they go on to create a thrid..fourth and so on... after waking up all my neighbours with the kinda noise we were all making.. we decided go call it a nite at 6 in the morning.. the other 2 guys had work.. no idea how they ever managed to get to work.. this is when quittin your job helps..u can jus go to sleep and not worry bout waking up et all ;) it had been a while since i had done a nite out.. the last one i guess was the day before i was leaving singapore.. again king was there.. coupla other great friends.. booze to last all nite and some great home cooked chicken.. interesting stories and ciggs to keep you company .. wht a nite.. thx to my great buddies who made it so memorable..without a wink all nite i got straight to the airport and into an air-india flight at 7 in the morning.. so u can imagine my plight when i landed.. no prizes for guessing tht it was quite horrid..
seeing how much i enjoy my niteouts... sometimes wish i was born a owl :)


At September 12, 2008 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Googie said...

Hey you forgot the night out at P's old house when the 3 of us chatted all night...

At September 15, 2008 at 6:53 AM , Blogger wineye said...

oh yeah.. how cud i forget tht.. chattin all nite n sippin hot coffee @ 6 in the morning.. apologies rendered..


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