Thursday, August 14, 2008

Finally... I Quit

Today one day before our independence day.. i quit my job.. I hated it from the bottom of my heart.. now it feels light.. it feels good.. I ain't going to another corporate nor am i getting into a B-school.. just taking a break to pursue my interests..

Technically.. i quit exactly i week back.. because thats when i put down my papers and what prompted me to do that.. about 2 weeks back my company fired about 25 employees.. i was in my floor when i saw this guy who was given a pink slip walk out of the campus escorted by the HR and the security getting into a car waiting for him and leave.. I was happy for that guy because he was a free man and he could be whoever he wished to be.. I envied him.. I wanted to be that guy..

I despised my job.. it has been 4 yrs in this industry.. there wasnt a single day i enjoyed what i did.. couple of months back after a lot of fight i had got a role change.. I was now a Business Analyst with the Business Development Group.. one among this 4 member team and the only guy from my team in this geographical location.. i was no longer a techie.. i was a BA.. sounds cool huh!!! well.. previously i could copy paste code.. now i copy paste slides to make presentations.. take calls from some absurd sales guy sitting in some corner of the world.. help is formulate the pitch for his client meeting and go on to make a slide deck for this presentation... seriously it was fun the first time i did it.. after that i detested it totally.. agreed a person gotta do his time before it makes it big.. but here i guess it would taken me years before i did what i really enjoyed.. and all those years i would have to be making glorious presentations... was it worth it.. i was supposed to take call.. and i Quit..

So its not going to be a long weekend for me.. its going to be long year end.. looking forward for it :)


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