Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Whatta Weekend!!!

Had a absolutely great weekend... no i dint go pubbing..partying nor did i jus bum ard at home doing nothing.. no not tht great movie at the multiplex or the naughty adult play that was being staged... so what did i do..

well..i taught over the weekend.. to be more precise.. i took classes in verbal for these kids who are preparing for GMAT.. yes that was i signed up for last week with those coaching institute guys.. so now i would be teaching on the weekends.. and like MacD says.. i'm lovin it..

A little bit about my students.. its a nice small class of ard 15-20.. and i'm sorry if called them kids before.. because thats the last thing they are .. they are all at least 3-4 yrs older to me.. you have a manager, a doctor and two majors from the army .. so not bad in diversity and for my moods too :)

Had a 3hrs class on a saturday and another 3 hrs on sunday.. and boy now i realise that teaching is not as easy as it looks... there is crazy amounts of preparation that goes into it.. plus teaching for hrs at a stretch drains you out totally.. and these guys are smart.. self motivated so they'll not take any crap that comes from the tutor.. you gotta be on top of the subject to deliver.. that's why all that preparation.. anyways guess it all paid off.. they seemed to like the class.. the sunday one more than the saturday's.. well if u ask me how would i know.. it showed on their faces.. they din't look bored.. :)

now if i think of all the fun that i've made of of almost all my teachers.. now i know it was not a very nice thing to do.. like they say "by the time you realise you father was right you have a son who thinks you are wrong" .. now i get to experience it..

anyways.. that was my weekend.. theres lotta preparation.. all the talking drains you out totally.. plus those Q that come which totally catch you offgaurd.. but still i really enjoyed it.. its fun..

And yeah.. went for this B-school reception.. man i have had enough of this crap.. sophisticated venues..flashy presentations.. those dames so full of themselves (and also their bludy schools)talking with so much air that their thing is the best in the world.. and they try to convince you that if dont u make it.. you are an absolute looser... and for the money they collected as "registeration fee" all u got was some tea and dog buscuits.. i was so tired after my class that i slept through half the presentation.. anyways i have taken a woe never ever to go for another one.. enuf of the crap.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No More Monday Morning Blues...

Having said that its not that i slept all morning on a Monday... i woke up at 5.30 to get to the yoga class (its a different thing that the yoga class was canceled thanks to the rains) it the thought about not going to work and seeing the same old stupid faces again.. not doing something you dislike but rather starting the day with what you enjoy doing.. like they say.. "Its all in the mind"

Couple of interesting things.. signed up with this coaching institute to take up classes from the coming weekend.. i would be teaching verbal to these kids wanting to take up CAT/GMAT.. teaching is something i have always wanted to do and here i get an opportunity.. i would be teaching only on the weekends.. which means the weekdays are all for me.. even better aint it :)

Had passes around my resume to a coupla coaching centers and given them a demo class and finally picked up one offer and refused the rest.. so this guy from the other institute to be precise Mr Regional head called to say "If its about the pay we could definitely negotiate" plus is also pulled out a few carrots which would be of interest.. i felt good about the entire episode of trying to woo me ;) but wanted to tell him.. buddy, if i was actually so keen on the moolah i wudnt have quit my job et all.. you get the point hero... and surprisingly none of it was offered when i met him in person.. somebody was trying to be clever ;) anyways.. said no.. i had made up my mind.

Big brother is back from "Dubhai" for a months vacation... meeting him after 2 bludy long years.. it should be good.. i'm sure it'll be :)

just back meeting this old friend of mine..we meet very rarely but every time we meet we have such a great time.. it feels good.. you get back feeling close to euphoric.. I'm sure all you guys have encounters like this.. probably thats why people weigh quality over quantity

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Finally... I Quit

Today one day before our independence day.. i quit my job.. I hated it from the bottom of my heart.. now it feels light.. it feels good.. I ain't going to another corporate nor am i getting into a B-school.. just taking a break to pursue my interests..

Technically.. i quit exactly i week back.. because thats when i put down my papers and what prompted me to do that.. about 2 weeks back my company fired about 25 employees.. i was in my floor when i saw this guy who was given a pink slip walk out of the campus escorted by the HR and the security getting into a car waiting for him and leave.. I was happy for that guy because he was a free man and he could be whoever he wished to be.. I envied him.. I wanted to be that guy..

I despised my job.. it has been 4 yrs in this industry.. there wasnt a single day i enjoyed what i did.. couple of months back after a lot of fight i had got a role change.. I was now a Business Analyst with the Business Development Group.. one among this 4 member team and the only guy from my team in this geographical location.. i was no longer a techie.. i was a BA.. sounds cool huh!!! well.. previously i could copy paste code.. now i copy paste slides to make presentations.. take calls from some absurd sales guy sitting in some corner of the world.. help is formulate the pitch for his client meeting and go on to make a slide deck for this presentation... seriously it was fun the first time i did it.. after that i detested it totally.. agreed a person gotta do his time before it makes it big.. but here i guess it would taken me years before i did what i really enjoyed.. and all those years i would have to be making glorious presentations... was it worth it.. i was supposed to take call.. and i Quit..

So its not going to be a long weekend for me.. its going to be long year end.. looking forward for it :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Welcome Aboard..

hey guys.. been a long time since i've been thinking of starting a blog.. and finally it happens today.. on 08/08/08 the auspicious chinese date.. and what a coincidence the 2008 Beijing Olympics starts today too.. thats where the similarity ends though..

I think this is brilliant medium to connect with people.. to share your thoughts.. to let go your furstrations.. in short to inflict myself on all you netizens..

Another reason that compelled me to start his blog is coz my life is taking a steep turn.. or rather i'm trying to steer it that way.. so i'm guessing i'll have more interesting things to share..

So joining the "blogging community" as they call it.. going with the old chinese proverb.."may we all live in interesting time"